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I have been considering changing to a 3 day split, so I think I will do that. If I want to train my core area extra, would it be bad to do 2 days of core training (sit ups, Russian twists, planks,etc) on top of the 3 days. So for example Monday would be Chest/shoulders/Triceps/Core, Wednesday Back/Arms, and Friday Legs/Core. Let me know what you think, I’m afraid I may work them too much if I also do Dragon boating on Saturday or Sunday.

I haven’t had the opportunity to find my calorie requirements, I have generally tried to stick around 3000 calories when training, and about 2500 if I’m not.


It is great if you can follow a 3 day split because I believe it will be much better for muscle development.
Regarding your diet, I believe you eat below your minimum requirement. When I am 75kg and I want to increase weight, I also eat my diet of 3500kcal per day.

I do a simple calculation in your body type. Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is

RMR: 105*15,3+679=2285.5 kcal

Energy expenditure per day

RMR x1.7 = 3885.35

( This rate of 1.7 is only for mild active people. Very active people will multiply by 2.0)

This is not including your dragon boat training.

On average, a 90kg man will use around 420 kcal/ hour for training canoeing at 4mph. I don’t have figure for dragon boat training so you have to find out yourself.

Multiply the number of hours train with 420 then divide by 7 ( for 7 days) and you will have the average energy spend on training only (call it Xkcal).

Take X plus 3885 kcal, you will have the maintain energy level requirement. And the figure I believe is more than 3000kcal.

In your case since you are big frame (105kg, 1.98m) you really need to eat a lot in order to gain more size.

Regarding core training, You can add 2 core training after your workout. That is perfectly fine. Just remember to train lower back as well as abs muscle ( dead lift, good morning… ) to balance your core both front and back. Don’t just train the abs.

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