I really want to write this post for a long time now but can’t find the time to do it. Things just keep coming up and block all my possible free time. Some how, it is just the same like my workout program for the last few months: messy, unorganized and full of crap.
For the last couple of months, pressure has been building up to me due to work and study, so training has not come into my priority list. And because of that change in priority order, my training result drop dramatically. It is not that I was not aware of it, I just somehow accepted it as part of my overload life.
Some of you may have known that I am no longer training in the gym. Nowadays, I am training at home all the time. And without proper planning, my mind really messes up my training a lot. I planed to do workout everyday from 7 to 8 pm. But whenever it was near workout time, I just felt so lazy and procrastinated. I would wonder what should I be working out today.
” I have trained chest the other day, but my arms look smaller today.. so I shall train arms.”
… and so the conversation goes.
Upon dragging my ass up to workout, I would be doing half-ass workout because it was not fixed on what should be done. Normally I would go with 4 to 5 sets per each exercises but some days I would do 3 or sometimes only 2 then move on to next exercise. Other days, i would be so lazy to start workout until 7.30pm so I had to rush later on to finish. I normally have dinner around 8.15 or so, so I would do all my workout quickly to finish on time for dinner. To make things worse, because I didn’t record the weight of each sets in the previous workout, I would be wondering how much weight or reps should I do per exercises. Because of that guessing, I realize later on that I hardly push myself beyond the previous workout which simply means I am stuck at the same weight for a long time.
Not until recently that I painfully aware of what is happening with my training. No records means your mind goes on autopilot on training whichever body part that you like. And you normally end up training what you like rather than what you really need. You are not pushing yourself higher every workout too because there is no reference bench mark on what you did last workout specifically to each set.
So if you want to take my advice, carefully plan your workout ahead for the whole week is really effective. It makes you accountable for your responsibility to train. You know today you are supposed to train which body part. And if you don’t then you will also know what you miss. It is that simple.
One more thing i have to remind myself now is the effect of my previous workout. I trained my leg yesterday, but today my leg is not hurt. That is not good. It simply means I do not push myself harder than what my muscle can take. And I won’t grow without pushing myself more.
I shall show you my current workout schedule. It is not as frequent and intensified as I wish to do. But this is what my current condition is allowed. So I am just glad that I have time and drive to train properly during this time slot.
(The below part is my wife’s workout schedule so don’t be bothered)
I have also just bought a new sets of weight for myself. Without going to the gym, I have switched to train with body weight only (as some of you may have known). Although training with body weight is great for keeping fit and get yourself lean and tone, I sincerely think that you need weight (barbell and dumbbell) to push your muscles go beyond its limit. With that in mind, I have purchased a whole set of secondhand weight sets of about 90 kg of weight and a sand bag.
With this weight set and sandbag, I have turned my living room into a war zone with weapons all around the floor. And I really like it a lot.
I have no machine and no supporting bench and supporting for barbell yet, but that is ok. I made myself an incline chair to train based on the available table and I am fucking proud of it.
The rest of the needed equipments will be fixed later on when the condition is allowed. I start getting back to my animal hardcore lifestyle: ” Shut the fuck up and Train”
It is really a long post after a long disappearance and I hope there is something you can learn from my own mistakes to improve your training. Train hard and be your best.
P/S: Pardon me for post this in English. I know some of my readers may not understand English as much but this is meant to be my personal thought, so it won’t hurt if somebody doesn’t understand the whole web. I don’t consider myself to be elite or having great body shape and knows lots of things. I am just a regular guy with huge commitment and the hunger to achieve more. Along my training journey, I have picked up couples of knowledge and now I would like to share them with you guys. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to continue reading. But if you do, and you somehow share the same desire to get better shape, then voice out and let me know you are one hell of a serious dude. I respect any one with that kind of commitment.
hey bro,
It is a really cool tool that you suggested. I like it too. But I can’t find it around here. Bodybuilding is not very popular here in Sweden or at least near the city I live. Although there are many gyms, but people in general pay more attention to fitness rather than build muscle.
Anyway, I have switched to use a metal rack for my pull up. I will show you one day.
Keep training hard man.
Hi anh,
Nice to see you blogging again!
Really amazed at your training equipment !
You might wanna check this out : the P90X pull up bar
It’s expensive but I like the way people design its handles.
Thinking of buying one piece after moving to new flat, hehe (and don’t get me wrong, I’m not their sale man :D)
Anw, all the best and await your future posts